The elite: Nanotubes Technology Balanced Interconnect System from mamalos cables.

The elite: Nanotubes Technology Balanced Interconnect System from mamalos cables.

Source: Press Release, Last Accessed: 2016/07/20

Combining superior transmission quality, a reference screening factor and a significant flexibility along with high durability, low weight, very low capacitance and stable operation temperature level, mamalos says that their “elite” balanced interconnect system is a high technology beauty that push forward all those slight yet quite important aspects of music.
According to the press release, Elite balanced interconnect system is composed of three heavy solid signal conductors, specially made of 99.999% (5N) extra soft temper pure fine silver, carefully maintained to eliminate the surface mechanical anomalies and perfectly cleaned in a two-stage procedure. Each cleaned conductor is immersed under very specific conditions into mamalos' unique masterbatch that consist of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) allowing them to fill in the voids between metal molecules and coalesce holding together by van der Waals forces thus treating any surface minor damages and dramatically increasing conductivity. Over each one of these conductors, 16 separate layers of the same masterbatch are pi-stacking together surrounding them, while the whole structure is encapsulated in a high chemical resistance original Teflon tube.
Elite balanced interconnect system provides a triple shielding protection completely eliminating the external Electromagnetic (EMI) and the Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) signals and offers a tetra-shielding protection (two isolated double shields) eliminating the interaction between the Carbon nanotubes treated conductors.
The elite employs mamalos' first class (Neutrik) XLR connectors. Although they have superb conductivity, they also provide a superior shielding factor and luxury appearance at the same time. Each connector features the Amorphous Carbon Nanotubes Shield technology developed by mamalos and uses an efficient lacquer coating, providing very high thermal, chemical and mechanical stability. The direction of the signal flow is indicated by an arrow printed in the outer label of the cable. Total weight remains remarkably low (112 gram/m) to protect your delicate equipment sockets.
The cable is carefully packed in a luxurious real wooden box, designed to protect it and prevent any damage. Each of the wooden boxes has a unique serial number same as the cable. Inside the user will find the user's manual plus a bottle of mamalos' own "pastra" advanced antistatic cleaner.

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