Merging unveiled Roon-enabled NADAC.

Merging unveiled Roon-enabled NADAC.

Source: Press Release, Last Accessed: 2016/05/24

Merging Technologies announced their partnership with Roon Labs and, with the Roon-enabled NADAC, it will be the first time that the focus will shift to a complete turnkey and networked solution, offering multichannel capability up to DSD256 and DXD.
The Merging NADAC have received several rave reviews for its amazing transparency and for the advantages of the RAVENNA/AES67 networked solution. A variety of player solutions including Merging’s own Emotion player can be used with an external computer but this concept is not the first choice for all users, the company says. The "single box" solution with the software and the server combined with a DAC removes the need to have a computer in the living room. The ease with which the whole system can then be controlled by tablet or smart phone enhances the user experience significantly. Integration details such as direct control of the NADAC volume and mute from the Roon user interface also adds to the overall ergonomics by simplifying the control of the entire system from one single page on one single tablet.
Roon is well known to provide a superlative user experience with its friendly interface and the most comprehensive database available for the music lover seeking information on all aspects of his favorite track. According to the press release, marrying Roon to NADAC and providing multichannel playback would be noteworthy enough but the addition of true networking advantages provides a degree of in-home flexibility that users could only dream about.
Merging also announced that this solution can be retrofitted to all Merging NADAC units already in the field and to any units shipping from now on, meaning early adopters can take advantage of the upgrade if they wish. Pricing and options for this solution, as well as cost for the upgrade of existing units and delivery date will be announced during the next months.

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