M 063: Ballfinger's brand new 2-channel, 1/4-inch tape recorder.

M 063: Ballfinger's brand new 2-channel, 1/4-inch tape recorder.

Source: Official website, Last Accessed: 2017/02/16

The M 063 was developed for the professional user as well as for the ambitious music lover, featuring a three-motor drive and electronics based on ultra-linear, low-noise amplifiers with minimal distortion. This machine is, as far as we know, the first new of its kind for about two decades (probably more)!
Μ 063 is based on a rigid aluminum chassis, is capable for both vertical and horizontal operation with up to 15ips tape speed and features a high-resolution, digital counter. It is compatible with up to 10.5-inch tape reels and can be integrated in every 19 inch studio rack. The digital counter is driven by a high-resolution rotary encoder and counts the elapsed time in hours, minutes, seconds and hundredths of a second. The counter reading is coupled to the selected speed. Intelligent, processor-based drive control prevents any kind of tape stretching. It is possible to select between two tacho-controlled winding speeds plus an archive winding function with increased counter-pull.
The low-noise audio electronics consists of a plug-in card system with very short signal paths. Recording and playback amplifiers are completely discrete. The recorder uses the CCIR equalization curve during recording and offers a selection between CCIR and NAB curves for playback.
All motors are located directly on the drive axles, therefore Μ 063 can be considered as a full direct drive design. With a maximum power of 65 watts, the capstan motor provides much more power that would be necessary for this application. For a soft-start, the pinch roller is first activated and then the motor is accelerated by means of ramp-function control curve. When the nominal speed is reached and the tape transport is stable, the audio channels are enabled by the processor. The speed control of the capstan motor features a phase locked loop (PLL) and the machine has both a mechanical and an electrical braking system.
To enable installation in a 19-inch rack, the wood side panels and feet can be easily removed and is not necessary to install additional rack brackets.

For more information: http://www.ballfinger.de/

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