Rothwell's Signature Two Moving Coil Phono preamplifier.

Rothwell's Signature Two Moving Coil Phono preamplifier.

Source: Official website, Last Accessed: 2017/01/25

The Signature Two is an audiophile moving coil phono stage employing low-noise discrete transistor circuitry throughout - no op-amps or transformers - and offers variable gain and cartridge load impedance.
According to the published details, the Signature Two's circuit is the culmination of over 25 years of experience in the design and production of audiophile phono stages and is a four-stage design using discrete transistors operating in Class A. The first stage is a low-noise design with adjustable load impedance from 32 Ohms to 1100 Ohms and gain variable from 52dB to 72dB, load and gain being adjustable independently of each other. This allows a very wide range of low output moving coil cartridges to be handled with optimum performance. Sensitivity for a 500mV output is between 0.13mV and 1.3mV. A proprietary discrete transistor regulator provides extremely clean power to this first stage to allow the circuit to perform at its best regardless of the quality of the mains electricity supply. The second stage precedes the highly accurate passive RIAA network comprised of low-distortion polypropylene capacitors and audiophile MELF resistors. The third stage is another gain stage before the final stage which buffers the output for a low output impedance, which is 75 Ohm.
The on-board power supply is a linear design, employing a toroidal transformer, generous-sized capacitors and another proprietary discrete transistor voltage regulator with very low noise, the company states. The supply to the all-important first audio stage is further regulated to provide the correct voltage with extremely low noise and ripple - lower than possible with the common off-the-shelf monolithic regulator components. Each stage also has its own local decoupling capacitors with carefully routed earth tracks to eliminate ground current interactions with audio grounds resulting in “a gloriously clean performance which reveals all the recorded detail with breath-taking realism”, as Rothwell puts it, through a signal-to-noise ratio that exceeds 87dB.

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