LittleZoe tube integrated amplifier is making its first appearance in this year's Munich HighEnd Show!

LittleZoe amplifier is making its first appearance in this year's Munich HighEnd Show!

Source: Press Release, Last Accessed: 2018/04/06

Our first contact with LittleZoe was about two years ago, when it was just a concept design, but the impressions were more than excellent. Not surprisingly, the tube-based amplifier proved to be a project that has attracted worldwide interest due to its innovative design based on an idea by architect and audiophile Dimitris Karagiannis. Now, the amp is heading for its world-premiere at the HighEnd Show in Munich. The device to be shown there (in the "Newcomers" pavilion) is the result of two years of research and development in new materials and production methods and includes electronics by Yannis Iliopoulos.
In addition to its highly modern -and unusually stylish for an audio device- design, the LittleZoe won the attention from the first moment thanks to an innovative approach in the chassis design and manufacturing. The chassis itself is a monocoque construction made of a composite material, quite similar with that used in modern 3d printers, which is stone-like and non resonant and, therefore, extremely suitable to house tube-based electronics. The material is a fiber reinforced resin and the chassis is formed using a complex, layered molding technique, developed by the designer himself for the particular project.
Additionally, the internal structure of the device, which, according to Karagiannis, offers spectacular benefits in sound performance, is designed so the power and output transformers are mounted on a metal sub-assembly which is in turn isolated from the chassis and the electronics via specially designed gaskets and cones.
The amplifier circuit is based on tubes and features a pair of EL34 or 6550 per channel in a push-pull/Ultralinear configuration. For the rest of the circuit, one ECC82 and one ECC81 per channel are used with the overall topology designated by the company as a "Modified Williamson". LittleZoe delivers 45W per channel and features four single ended inputs (RCA). Output level control is done via a stepped attenuator.
Based on what we know, the amplifier will be available for demos shortly after the Munich Show and the first products will be available for shipping in Q4, 2018.

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