Monitor Audio introduced the Studio standmount loudspeaker.

Monitor Audio introduced the Studio loudspeaker.

Source: Corporate website, Last Accessed: 2018/02/28

Studio is a premium loudspeaker offering absolute performance from a compact cabinet, featuring an MPD (Micro Pleated Diaphragm) high frequency transducer and dual 4-inch low/mid range drivers, modified versions of those used in Monitor Audio’s flagship Platinum PL500 II. The shape and configuration have been designed to deliver a detailed and powerful audio reproduction that is usually associated with larger loudspeakers, the company says.
According to the details published, the drivers are designed to be incredibly low in distortion and use the same magnetic design principles and material choice as the class-leading Platinum loudspeakers. They are surrounded and clamped by a rigid die-cast aluminum sub-baffle to provide rigidity. The mechanical structure is enhanced further using renowned bolt- through driver technology to provide the ultimate cabinet bracing. The MPD high frequency transducer has been designed to provide incredible articulation due to its low mass diaphragm. MPD transducers work in the same way as a super-fast accordion by rapidly squeezing the pleats to produce a smooth, wide and naturally fast response way into the ultra-sonic band. By this definition, given by the company, one can assert that MPD is a version of the well known AMT (Air Motion Transformer) driver.
The grille-less design ensures the speaker’s voice is clear and true and lets the drivers become an eye-catching focal point. Bass loading is through a HiVe II High Velocity reflex slot. The two metallic-silver RDT II diaphragms deliver an optimum high-end performance that will delight audiophiles, Monitor Audio states. The honeycomb tweeter cover adds a contemporary edge to the speaker’s form and the bespoke solid-metal logo at the cabinet’s base gives a stylish design touch.
High-grade polypropylene film capacitors, air-core and laminated steel-core inductors have been selected for the crossover circuit, while the purist electrical chain is complemented by a pair of machined terminals, developed for the Platinum Series. These are rhodium plated to provide the lowest contact resistance and long-term consistency.

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