NAD Masters M22 V2 delivers increased power and flexibility.

NAD Masters M22 V2 Delivers Increased Power and Flexibility.

Source: Press Release, Last Accessed: 2018/01/16

NAD recently announced a new and improved stereo Masters Series amplifier, the M22 V2, that delivers a 20% increase in power to 300 watts per channel and features a bridging switch that transforms it into a powerful, 900-watt monoblock.. In addition, the M22 V2 has a 3-position switch that controls the auto turn-on sensitivity, allowing for better matching to each individual system.
According to the press release, the M22 V2 utilizes the latest nCore amplifier technology licensed from Hypex, to provide a nearly ideal amplifier with “distortion below measurement, low output impedance (high damping factor) and unconditional stability with any loudspeaker”. The substantial increase in power is a result of a major redesign of the power supply. NAD’s exclusive PowerDrive circuit has been re-calibrated to take advantage of the increased capability of the power supply section.
"NAD has a long reputation in high performance amplifiers that punch well above their weight," commented Greg Stidsen, NAD's Chief Technology Officer. "Much of NAD’s success comes from listening to the market as many of these upgrades were based on feedback from our customers. True to form, the new and improved M22 V2 delivers 20% more power with the flexibility of bridging mode and an input sensitivity switch to tailor its performance to each system, all with no increase in price. This is state-of-the-art amplification that represents outstanding value in the high-end."
Despite the increase in power and features, the price of the M22 V2 will remain at $2999 (for the US Market).

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