Sonarworks True-Fi: Connecting Headphone Listeners to Studio Sound.

Sonarworks True-Fi: Connecting Headphone Listeners to Studio Sound.

Source: Press Release, Last Accessed: 2018/01/09

European audio software developer Sonarworks, recently announced its new True-Fi technology that removes unwanted sound coloration from headphones so the listener can experience the artist's true intention — on a sonically balanced listening canvas which enables ”Studio sound” performance.
True-Fi's software platform, which supports over 100 of popular headphone models, takes just seconds to configure and employs measurement-based compensation profiles to correct tonal discrepancies that are caused by the headphones' physical construction. The resulting sound is a closer match to what the artist originally created in the studio — so listeners can experience a closer emotional connection to music in any genre, the company states.
True-Fi is the company's first consumer offering, building off of Sonarwork's deep expertise in the recording studio industry. Currently, Sonarworks' software is installed in thousands of studios and relied on by top studio mixers and mastering engineers around the world. In 2015, the company's professional audio software offering, Reference 3, received an “Editor's Choice” award from respected UK-based publication Sound on Sound. More recently, True-Fi was unveiled at CanJam Europe in Berlin, where it was awarded “Best-In-Show” in the music listening accessory category.
"The biggest problem music listeners experience today is not in the file and stream quality, but the playback," commented Helmuts Bems, CEO and co-founder of Sonarworks. "True-Fi uses proprietary, research-driven technology to audibly improve the performance of loudspeakers and headphones. True-Fi stays true to the promise in its name, helping listeners experience the artists' true intention."
In addition to offering wide compatibility with most computers, True-Fi is constantly updating its software by adding compatible headphone models. Also, the software enables consumers personalize their listening preferences to meet their own hearing requirements. Currently, the software supports sample rates of up to 96kHz and the company plans to announce support of higher sample rates in the near future.
The True-Fi platform App, which costs $79, is compatible with both Mac and PC desktops and is available for purchase on Sonarworks' website.

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