Aliante pays tribute to Sequerra's Met 7 with the Caterham 7.

Aliante pays tribute to Sequerra's Met 7 with the Caterham 7.

Source: Corporate website, Last Accessed: 2019/08/22

Dick Sequerra's Met 7 is unquestionably one of the cornerstones of mini-loudspeakers and, conceptually, it is the opposite of LS3/5a. Sequerra's philosophy about electroacoustics puts the emphasis on the correct temporal behavior of the drivers, with much attention to the diffraction phenomena. In the case of the Met 7, the baffle is slightly wider than the dimensions of the 5-inch woofer and the 2-inch tweeter, and uses the iconic "step" to correct the timing of the former. The loudspeaker's dimensions are truly minimal, just 135X195X230mm. The crossover uses a first order "minimum phase" network, to preserve the waveform of the musical signal as much as possible.
The Caterham Acoustics 7 follows the steps of the original Met 7 featuring minor updates, including slight improvements in the quality of the wiring and of the capacitors and drivers that are direct descendants of those of the original loudspeaker. The cabinet is from MDF instead of the very cheap original chipboard, finished in scratch-resistant Vesmaflex. Aliante says that the system of power display LEDs has been eliminated for sound-quality reasons.
The Caterham Acoustics 7 is a two-way acoustic suspension design, featuring an 130mm polypropylene woofer with magnesium alloy die-cast basket and a low distortion rubber outer suspension, along with a 33 mm, soft double-ring radiator diaphragm tweeter with a central plug-type waveguide, Neodymium magnet, and a rear decompression chamber. Sensitivity is, expectantly, rather low, at 87dB/1W/1m and the rated impedance is 6 Ohm (minimum 4.5 Ohm).

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