Pure tape head preamplifier for reel to reel tape decks from Merrill Audio.

Pure tape head preamplifier for reel to reel tape decks from Merrill Audio

Source: Press Release, Last Accessed: 2019/07/08

Merrill Audio Pure Tape Head Preamp is the first of a series of three tape head preamps the company will introduce to the market. The preamplifier will feature the purity of the sound from reel to reel tape with minimal adjustments and is focused on the purist audiophile demanding the most accurate sound signature with the least amount of artifacts., Merrill Audio stated. Priced at $9,000, it is an ideal addition to the Ampex ATR 100, 102 and 104 series. Merrill Audio can provide the plug in card to access the tape Head directly on the Ampex ATR 100 series machines, replacing the onboard preamp cards.
According to the press release, the Pure takes its design cues from the famed Jens Phono stage and circuit designer, Jens Waale. The device has 6 speed and eq settings, 3.75 NAB, 7.5 NAB, 15 NAB, 7.5 IEC, 15 IEC and 30 IEC2.
The gain is selectable between 71db and 65db. All settings are saved at power off. The display brightness can be dimmed, delayed dimmed or delay blanked. All settings including speed/eq can be changed using a remote. The Eq and gain settings can also be manually switched. The low noise Merrill Audio Kratos External Power Supply provide the 1st level of power filtering.
The preamplifier is built with ultra-tight tolerance components, Silver plated Teflon sleeved wire, fully balanced inputs and outputs, and custom XLR connectors with gold plated pins with Teflon body in metal housing.

For more information: https://merrillaudio.net/

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