Weiss Series 5 devices are now Roon Ready.

Weiss Series 5 devices are now Roon Ready.

Source: Press Release, Last Accessed: 2019/06/20

Weiss recently announced that they got the Roon Ready certification for their DAC501, DAC502, DSP501 and DSP502 units, i.e. the whole Series 5. In case you are not yet familiar with it, Roon is a next generation player software that features extensive metadata support including cover art, CD booklets and lyrics, support of file playback from NAS as well as streaming from Tidal and Qobuz, Internet Radio, comprehensive information on the signal path involved, multi-room capability, MQA decoding, top audio quality and many more.
Weiss' DSP50x devices are similar to the DAC50x, only they have a digital output instead of an analog output. They are used to enhance existing D/A Converters or to connect active loudspeakers with digital inputs.
According to the press release, in the case of Weiss Series 5 units, which support various signal processing algorithms (DSP), Roon always reflects the currently active signal path. Weiss says that appropriate DSP can enhance the listening experience to a great extent and design the DSP algorithms such that they are very user-friendly to control. The company designs DSP equipment for professional Mastering Studios, meaning that they have an extensive know-how for high quality signal processing.
Currently the available DSP algorithms are a room equalizer, tone control, vinyl simulation, dynamics reduction and crosstalk cancellation. Close to be released is a de-esser algorithm to get rid of annoying sibilance, while the company is working on headphone-specific algorithms which will enhance the listening experience when listening via headphones, instead of loudspeakers, since today’s music productions are made for loudspeaker playback which may not be ideal for headphone playback.

For more information: https://www.weiss.ch/

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