Linn unveiled new components for the Sondek LP12.

Linn unveiled new components for the Sondek LP12.

Source: Corporate blog, Last Accessed: 2022/06/17

Linn announced the arrival of a raft of new turntable components, available to order as upgrades for the Sondek LP12. The company says that these upgrades expand the range of performance enhancements available to Sondek LP12 owners worldwide, regardless of where they are on their journey to vinyl playback perfection.
The first of these components is the Arko – an original, high-performance tonearm, Linn's first entirely new, in-house model since 2006. The company returned to fundamentals with Arko, by removing all bar the mission-critical elements of tonearm design, boiling these down to their essence, and then ”honing what was left to superlative standards”. Arko is something to be considered from all the current owners of Majik, Akito, legacy Linn, and 3rd-party tonearms, Linn states.
Arko’s perfect partner is the Kendo, an all-new, elite performance moving coil cartridge. Kendo is a modern martial art form; translated from the Japanese it means “way of the sword”. At Linn however, the word has unique connotations. Their “sword” is forged of boron, with a super-fine-line diamond tip and a nickel-coated, 7075-grade aluminum body.
Linn, also announced that the Krane, their static-balanced tonearm will be available as a standalone upgrade for the very first time. Krane is an ideal upgrade for decks featuring earlier Pro-Ject- and Jelco-made Majik tonearms.
Last, but not least, is Koil; a formidable first step onto the ladder of premium moving coil cartridges. Linn says that this new MC cartridge provides a step up in sonic performance over their Adikt moving magnet cartridge, either as an upgrade or fitted as standard to a brand new Majik LP12 MC.

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