LAB12 melto2

LAB12 melto2

LAB12 melto2
Specifications (according to published data)
Description: Phono preamplifier.
Architecture: Four-stage circuit with 6922/6N2P double triodes and passive de-emphasis. MC gain features Lundahl transformers.
Inputs: 3x single ended (RCA).
Outputs: 1x single-ended (RCA), 1x balanced (XLR).
De-emphasis: RIAA, Columbia, Decca.
Cartridge compatibility: MM, MC, High Output MC.
Settings: Input load (50Ω-47kΩ), input capacitance (0-300pF), gain (High/Low), Mono/ Stereo mode.
Other Features: Remote Control, Black or Frozen Silver finish.
Dimensions: 430x110x290 (mm, wxhxd)
Weight: 8kg.
LAB12 melto2
Price & General Information
Price (€) 3.750,-
Sample source LAB12
Sample source URL
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