Questyle QP1R.

Questyle QP1R.

Questyle is, probably, known to you from their headphone amplifiers. Most of us first heard the brand name in conjunction with the MA800 series devices, a triad of amps which includes the CMA800P, a design optimized for Stax headphones, the CMA800i (which includes a DAC) and the classic CMA800R. The company seems to have both an affection and a well-founded know-how for this type of devices. Apart from these amplifiers, the Quesyle's list of products, although not a long one, it contains some interesting pieces, including two DACs (CAS192D and Q192) and a complete wireless system operating in the 5GHz range, capable of high quality/low latency transmission of audio signals

During last year's High-End Show in Munich, the company unveiled the prototype of another product with a different audiophile target group in mind. As high-performance personal media players are a quite hot topic in the high-resolution capable products market these days, the QP1R was -without a doubt- an important bet for Questyle and Fengshuo Wang himself. From the first moment, it was apparent that the company was absolutely serious about what their aim was, as the quality of construction, materials and finishing, and the technology used, spoke for themselves. A chassis made of solid aluminum, a circuit featuring high-quality electronic components in combination with Questyle's Current Mode Amplification (CMA) design and a Foxconn production line (the same company that assembles iPads, among other high profile consumer products) are certainly some credentials that attract attention.
The QP1R, which is the subject of this review, is compatible with all popular high-resolution file formats, supports both PCM and DSD, offers an additional line out and connects to the computer to transfer files, simply as a storage device, through a USB port. Let's look at the details…

Dimitris Stamatakos

Text Data
Original Publilcation: 2016/02/16 Last Follow Up: 2016/02/16 Original Language: Greek (Translated)

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