Group Tests

€700-€2,000 Loudspeaker cables.

€700-€2,000 Loudspeaker cables.

A quite representative selection of high quality loudspeaker cables, including models from Synergistic, Furutech, Cardas, Kimber, Siltech and Atlas.

€1,000-€2,000 floorstanding loudspeakers.

€1,000-€2,000 floorstanding loudspeakers.

This is a very interesting price range, and the test includes products from Quadral, PMC, Quad, Audio Physic and JBL among others.

The up to €3,000 system

The up to €3,000 system

Six very different systems from about €500 up to €3,000.

Pre/Power Amplifier pairs.

Pre/Power Amplifier pairs.

Preamplifier/power amplifier systems with a price range between €2,000 and €4,400, including solid state, hybrid and pure tube designs from companies such as NAD, Quad, Parasound and Tsakiridis Devices.

S/PDIF cables.

S/PDIF cables.

Thirty cables, designed to transfer digital signals according to S/PDIF protocol with a price tag between € and €1,000 were measured, listened through and recorded.

Phono Preamplifiers.

Phono Preamplifiers.

Fourteen phono preamplifiers in a price range between €400 and €2,000.

Turntable/cartridge Sets.

Turntable/cartridge Sets.

Includes some very well-known names, like Dual, Thorens, Rega, Pro-Ject and Clearaudio.

Bookshelf Loudspeakers.

Bookshelf Loudspeakers.

Small loudspeakers are good for small spaces and for medium -to - small listening distance. This test involve ten pairs, from manufacturers like Leema, ProAc, Aliante, ATC and Audio Spectrum.

Integrated Amplifiers.

Integrated Amplifiers.

Eleven integrated amplifiers including the Cambridge Audio 840A, Harman/Kardon HK990, NAD C375, Naim Audio Nait XS, Red Wine Audio Signature 30.2 and XTZ Class 100D3.

D/A Converters.

D/A Converters.

Thirteen digital to analog converters including Cambridge Audio DacMagic, YBA WD202, Benchmark DAC 1 HDR, Bryston BDA-1, Naim Audio DAC and North Star USB dac32.

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hARt Lab Tune Two -Preamp/Headphone Amplifier/Streamer/DAC

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Shanling UP4 Ver.22 - Portable DAC/Headphone Amplifier
Shanling UP4 Ver.22 - Portable DAC/Headphone Amplifier

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MSB Technology The Discrete DAC - D/A Converter.

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WiiM announced a new audio streamer, the WiiM Ultra Streamer.

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NAD introduced the C 379 HybridDigital DAC/Amplifier.
NAD introduced the C 379 HybridDigital DAC/Amplifier.

The C 379 features a ground-breaking design that includes a carefully engineered Class D output stage, industry-leading ESS d/a chip, and the second generation of Modular Design Construction (MDC) technology for upgrades and expandability.

Shanling introduced the M5 Ultra portable player.
Shanling introduced the M5 Ultra portable player.

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Volumio introduced the Motivo, a flagship streamer, transport and headphone amp.
Volumio introduced the Motivo, a flagship streamer, transport and headphone amp.

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The Tide system from Consonus Audio.
The Tide system from Consonus Audio.

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The new heart of the CX Series: Cambridge Audio CXA81 Mk II integrated amp.
The new heart of the CX Series: Cambridge Audio CXA81 Mk II integrated amp.

Cambridge Audio recently announced the CXA81 Mk II integrated stereo amplifier, upgrading the multi-award-winning CXA81 with a re-tuned and refined design, introducing ten new premium components to the circuitry and improving the signal path.

TAD Lab's new Reference Series TAD-C700 Preamplifier.
TAD Lab's new Reference Series TAD-C700 Preamplifier.

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Pro-Ject Audio introduced the T2 Super Phono turntable.
Pro-Ject Audio introduced the T2 Super Phono turntable.

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S.M.S.L DO100 - HO100 - DAC/USB DAC - Headphone Amplifier
S.M.S.L DO100 - HO100 - DAC/USB DAC - Headphone Amplifier.

The pair of devices we review here are far more than just a sign of our times, which constantly require better systems for audio reproduction through headphones. It is a case study on how modern devices should be designed when aiming for the best possible value-for-money performance.

Review: ATC SCM 19 Loudspeaker.
Review: ATC SCM 19 Loudspeaker.

SCM19, ATC's entry level "Hi-Fi" series top stand-mount model, proved to be one of the best compact loudspeakers you can buy in this price range, especially if what you are looking for is some real high fidelity behavior. How did they manage this? Read the review to find out…

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