Munich HighEnd 2014
Munich HighEnd 2014
Show Report (Part 1): Krell - McIntosh Audio Labs

… the Connect media player and the Illusion preamplifier. They also presented a new integrated amplifier named Vanguard, with a power stage capable of 200/400W in 8/4Ohm loads, that accepts a digital interface module as an option.

Impressive, due to its size and color, Stabi M, could be ordered in a wide variety of finishes. It can accept 12-inch arms and, also, offers short starting times.

First appearance in Munich for Lab12. The company presented their DAC1 (bottom) and DAC/headphone amplifier HPA (top)…

… their new power amplifier Mighty (single ended, with EL34)…

… the preamplifier Pre1…

… and finally, a passive preamp named True.

Lehmann Audio debuted a portable headphone amplifier which will be named Traveller. The design includes only analog inputs but the size and weigh are very small, indeed.

The 25 is the second largest model in Lindemann 's musicbook series of network players. For all those who own a big CD collection, the model 25 includes an optical drive, too.

LP-01 from Linnart is a tube based phono preamplifier, offering three inputs. It, also, allows the user to tweak the de-emphasis curve, via three switches.

Living Voice Auditorium series with their external crossover.

Of course, much more impressive was Living Voice's Vox Olympian, a three-way design that was first introduced in 2010.

Being handmade, Living Voice says that the Vox Olympian requires 1400 man-hours for the cabins and 600 man-hours for the metal parts.

Loit's Passeri is a cd player that combines upsampling to 352.8kHz with a tube output stage (6 6H30 in total). It uses a CDPRO2-LF as a top loading transport.

LIA displayed the Sinfonia, an integrated amplifier based on 6550 output tubes to deliver 65W/8Ohm and offers MM/MC phono input.

Lingdorf 's new generation of CD player and integrated amplifier (CD-2, and TDAI 2170), has significant changes in circuits and aesthetics. The company, however, still uses the RoomPerfect algorithm for room acoustics correction.

Lyngdorf, also displayed the products they develop in collaboration with Steinway, a more pricey and, presumably, better series, carrying the logo of the famous piano manufacturer.

Stereomaster I 170 from Lyravox is an integrated audio system that supports, among other things, wireless and USB streaming, supports high resolution audio and it is controlled through an app. It is, also, possible to setup and connect some units for a multi-room installation.

M2Tech displayed a brand new d/a converter. Called the Mercury, includes analog inputs and a headphone amplifier and is remotely controlled, therefore could be used as a standard preamp too. Mercury can handle sample rates up to 32/384 and DSD.

The Magnepan exhibited their most popular models : From left to right, showing are the sub DWM, the MG12 and MG3.7…

… while here appears one of their best sellers, the MG1.7.

Manger's monitor loudspeakers series include a stand-mounted and a floorstanding model.

Marten showed their top of the Coltrane range model, the Supreme 2.

McIntosh's MV100 is their solution for a media bridge, i.e. the intermediate device which manages audio streams (either through the internet or through local network resources) and routes it to the DAC. This device contains two hard drives, an SSD to run the operating system and a conventional 1TB HDD for storing the audio files.

McIntosh showed, also, two new amps the MC152 and the MC301 (pictured here), with solid state output stages, smaller size and a minimalistic chassis design.

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